Elementary and Junior High School Students Came to Interview Us at Work Summer is here. How are you doing in these hot days?
Now that elementary and junior high school students have started their summer vacation, they came to our company to cover their workplaces!
First of all, students from Meiko Junior High School in Ibaraki came to interview us because they were going to make a "Workers of the Town" illustrated book as part of their class. What does graphic design do? When do you find your work rewarding? They came to us with a variety of questions in mind, and we talked with them as we recalled our past experiences and the work we have actually done.
After the interview, we prepared an experience called "Let's make a mark with words! We prepared an experience called "Let's make a word into a mark! The way the children tackled the task showed their individuality, with some quickly deciding on a word and immediately making it into a shape, while others carefully thought out their ideas and proceeded with their pens. After the completion of the mark, they presented the words they had thought of and the meanings they had put into the mark. The range of expression was evident, from expressing the word "thank you" in the form of a gift box to creating a character based on the theme of one's own guess.
I think that thinking about what you want to convey and giving shape to it can be applied to a variety of things, regardless of design. I told the students that I wanted them to keep this in mind.
The next day, sixth graders from Oto Elementary School came to interview us. We had a lot of fun with the students, who asked us many questions without restraint in a positive sense, which was different from junior high school students. Among the questions, one specific question was, "How much does it cost to make one poster with a photo? Some of them asked specific questions such as "How much does it cost to make one poster with a photo? I told them that it takes many professionals to create one poster, including photographers, copywriters, on-site workers, and printers, and that it costs a certain amount of money to hire all these people.
We hope that the children who came to the school for this interview will go on to pursue graphic design in the future.
Thank you very much, Meiko Junior High School and Oto Elementary School.
The cover photo of our booklet "Sun" was chosen as the visual for the 2019 calendar, and the "Watashi no Machiomoi Chou" exhibition is being held at the Osaka Design Promotion Plaza in Osaka City.
The exhibition features the activities of the "Iba3 Furusato Supporters Club" in which i,D is involved. Thank you very much!
This is an opportunity for you to see the work of creators from all over Japan, their relationship with the local community, and their various activities.
If you live in or near Kansai, please come and visit us.